In fact, of all the Hoodia Gordonii supplements we compared, only UniqueHoodia could offer a credible guarantee length of 180 days.
The rest simply could not compete.
Don’t believe us? Think we are exaggerating? Take these Hoodia Gordonii products for example:
Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pills – 14 day guarantee
Hoodia 90 – 30 day guarantee
Hoodia Gordonii Plus – 90 day guarantee
The closest to match UniqueHoodia was Hoodia Gordonii Plus, yet their guarantee is still only half the size at 90 days.
Now if you go on to compare these guarantees to the whole weight loss market, you will find that the situation is even worse. They are not even remotely competitive.
Admittedly on the one hand you have got herbal supplements Proactol and ProShape RX that can match UniqueHoodia’s with a 180 day money back guarantee, but when you examine the rest the vast majority are very unclear on their guarantee length.
Not exactly confidence inspiring. In fact, these points just add more to the necessity for a set guarantee. Without one you are just opening yourself up to unknown health risks, and monetary losses.
So ask yourself this question, and try to answer this honestly. Of the 4 Hoodia Gordonii supplements above, which one do you trust the most to give you the weight loss results you deserve?
Go on, take a moment to compare them all and see which one fills you with the most confidence.
For us it has to be UniqueHoodia.
You see whilst you could easily argue that the shorter 30 day/ 90 day guarantees, can still offer you the time to feel genuine weight loss.
To know that you can use UniqueHoodia’s supplement for a whole 6 months, whilst giving your body the time to adjust, means you have genuinely got the time to experience real weight loss results.
A weight loss that is not pressured, but is filled with the knowledge that if you do not lose weight in 6 months, you can get a full refund.
So offer your body more.
Order your packet of UniqueHoodia today
100% side effect free and laboratory tested by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals, UniqueHoodia can offer consumers:
• A CITES certificate to prove place of origin
• A 2,000 a day calorie reduction
• 10,000 times the appetite suppression that glucose can
And above all else a 180 day money back guarantee.
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